Hotel since 1885
The oldest of the hotel buildings was erected in the years 1884-1885, and the first owner was named Wilhelm Kypper. He named the hotel: Kypper’s Hotel. In relation to the opening, the paper wrote:
“Kypper’s Hotel opens for guests on May 1st. It is particularly beautifully located in a small garden with a summerhouse that gives off a cozy summer resort. Up a stately stairway, you enter a beautiful restaurant to which a lecture room, a fine dining room, and a billiard room adjoin.”
In 1885-1895, Thomas Larsen from Løkken took over the hotel through an expropriation deed, however with Wilhelm Kypper as tenant. Thomas Larsen was started as a fisherman, but switched to trade (boat trade), where he managed an independent trade in Norway for several years. He experienced great success, however, he eventually stopped leading his ships and decided to manage the business from ashore. He became the last of the great matadors among boatmen in Løkken.
In the early 1890’s, Kypper’s Hotel had a stable tenant named Laurirz Olsen. He was a driver for the former Prime Minister Rottbøll of Børglum Kloster. As a driver, he earned DKK 150 a year, while he needed to pay DKK 1.200 a year for the stable tenancy at Kypper’s Hotel. A few years later, Lauritz Olsen emigrated to Norway where he after a certain time in the brewery business and as a horsedealer became hotel owner in Arendal in Norway, millionaire, and a respected and beloved citizen. Until his death, on December 28th in 1956, he still got tears in his eyes when talking about horses.
Staldforpagter Lauritz Olesen & sønner.
Hotel Bristol
1899: The company “Kypper’s Hotel” sells the hotel to G. Clasen, who renames it “Bristol Hotel” which lasted until 1929.
1906: G. Clasen’s widow sells the hotel to a consortium, which a few years resells it to J. Chr. Throup who again resells it to N.C. Thygesen.
1937: Gunner Bach takes over the hotel and renames it “Missionshotellet”.
Hotel Phønix
1947: Helga and Holger Jensen buy the hotel, and names it: Hotel Phønix.
1967: The hotel is extended by 27 rooms and two reception rooms.
1994: Birgitte Messmann buys the hotel and manage it today together with her brother, Henrik Messmann.
Hotel Phønix Hjørring
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